
IDS solutions


Espol (Escuela Politécnica Superior del Ejército de Tierra) C/ Joaquín Costa, 6. Madrid, España

Date -Hour

Tuesday, 28 January, 2020 to Thursday, 30 January, 2020


LIMEX will bring together all those interested in technological innovation at the service of border protection, both users and industry. Experts of the Civil Guard, National Police and Ministry of Interior, as well as Customs, Maritime Rescue and even members of the Armed Forces. International institutions and organizations such as the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, Frontex, the European Maritime Safety Agency, EMSA, or the European Fisheries Control Agency, EFCA


Border protection and protection are matters of maximum interest that concern the international community. For Europe, protection and security in the Mediterranean environment, the fight against human trafficking, smuggling, even international terrorism are a capital issue.

Each year 700 million people cross the external borders of Europe. Spain, due to its geostrategic situation in the Mediterranean and with a direct border in the African continent, must play a leading European role in technological innovation, and in the design and development of systems and equipment that guarantee an increasingly effective protection.

Limex’20 is structured in three days of high-level conferences next to an exhibition space where companies can showcase their news before a professional audience and carry out demonstrations.

These three days will address:

  • The news that set the agenda.
  • Future challenges and new technological developments.
  • Perspectives of international agencies.
  • The demands and solutions.

All this grouped around three technological areas:

  • Autonomous and unmanned systems.
  • Communication systems and information exchange.
  • Sensors

A comprehensive scheme of conferences, expositions and demonstrations.