- Indra now covers the business’s entire value chain, from the manufacture of state-of-the-art simulators to the provision of training services for civilian and military pilots
- It acquires GTA, a leading aeronautical training company with clients in over 40 countries, and establishes a plan to speed up its growth with the supply of new simulators
- Indra will provide comprehensive coverage for the needs of airlines and military clients and bolster its position in high-growth markets in Europe, Asia and Latin America where GTA is already well-established

Indra, one of the leading global consulting and technology companies, has completed the purchase of 65% of GTA, thus securing 100% of its capital and becoming one of the few companies in the world capable of covering the business’s entire value chain, from the development of cutting-edge simulators and training systems to the provision of training services for civilian and military pilots.
According to Rafael Junco, Indra’s Head of Simulation, the operation “will increase our ability to define a much more solid and stable long-term growth strategy for the simulation business and allow us to forge closer ties with end clients, the airlines and defence ministries to whom we will provide first-rate service through GTA, a company specializing in pilot and cabin crew training and certified by the world’s major aviation authorities.”
Indra will also drive GTA’s growth in order to increase its business share in strategic markets and capture the high-growth potential of the civil aviation training services market in Asia, Europe and Latin America. To do so, it has defined a growth plan that includes the supply of new training devices, the consolidation of the existing offices and the company’s international expansion, maintaining the brand, identity and structure which are so highly renowned in the market.
This acquisition will also bring sufficient visibility in terms of demand to enable Indra to speed up the development of the next-generation technologies set to shape the future of the industry that will prove critical to guaranteeing its leadership in the coming years, delivering the best possible solutions to its clients.
Indra has maintained a close relationship with GTA since 2009, when the latter company acquired the first civil aircraft flight simulators manufactured by Indra for the ATR 72-500 and, later, Airbus A320 models.
In mid-2017, following the opening of GTA’s Indonesian office, Indra took a further step with the acquisition of 35.07% of the company’s capital, thus establishing a relationship that is now being consolidated with the purchase of the remaining 65%. Since then, GTA has completed its fleet of simulators with the incorporation of three state-of-the-art simulators and a new international office in Colombia, thus expanding its range of services in the Latin American market.
Indra has a major domestic and international presence in the simulation equipment manufacturing business, having delivered more than 250 civil and military simulators around the world. The company is one of the most prestigious manufacturers of rotary-wing platforms and it has significant influence in the fixed-wing platform market, an area with enormous potential for growth.
About Indra
Indra (www.indracompany.com) is one of the leading global technology and consulting companies and a world leader in technological engineering for the aerospace, defence and mobility markets, while it leads digital transformation and information technology consultancy in Spain and Latin America through its subsidiary, Minsait. It is the technological partner for the digitalization and key operations of its customers’ businesses around the world thanks to its model, which is based on a comprehensive range of proprietary products with an integrated high-value approach and a high degree of innovation. Sustainability forms part of its strategy and culture in order to address social and environmental challenges now and in the future. In the 2022 financial year, Indra achieved ordinary revenue totaling 3,851 million euros, with more than 57,000 employees, a local presence in 46 countries and business operations in over 140 countries.
About GTA
Global Training Aviation (www.GlobalTrainingAviation.com) is a leading company in the field of aviation training. GTA has developed its own teaching methodology, achieving a standardized form of training. This methodology, together with innovative didactic techniques and the use of state-of-the-art simulation systems, delivers solid training that values theoretical and practical aspects equally, with a team of professionals who are always at the client’s disposal.
GTA has offices on three continents (Spain, Indonesia and Colombia) equipped with six state-of-the-art full flight simulators, three training and VPT procedure simulators and an Airbus A320 CEET cabin emergency evacuation simulator for cabin crew training.