- Indra is one of the companies that has been awarded the largest number of tenders worldwide in the last year, including the latest won in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Algeria
- Its high competitive capacity is mainly based on two factors: the most powerful automated air traffic management system of the market and its strong customer orientation
- It has delivered over 400 automated systems. Almost 130 control centers and more than 200 towers in 85 countries already operate with the Indra system in the five continents
- This is the solution chosen by the navigation service providers that manage some of the most complex and congested air spaces of the planet

Indra has been awarded contracts in the last twelve months to modernize 20 control centers and 40 towers. The new projects reinforce Indra's position as one of the leading providers of automated air traffic management systems worldwide: it has delivered over 400 systems and some 130 control centers and more than 80 towers in 85 countries operate with its solution.
Navigation service providers of Algeria, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Panama, Costa Rica, Belize, Ghana, Indonesia, Honduras and Bosnia entrusted Indra in the last months the renewal of their main airports' control centers and towers.
It is one of the companies that have been awarded the largest number of international tenders in this period. Its strong competitive position is supported by an automation solution with the market's most complete functionalities and next generation tools, such as 4D trajectory flight management (3D + time), conflict resolution between routes, flight strips for digitized controllers (Electronic Flight Strip) or the orderly management of arrivals (AMAN) at runways.
Additionally, Indra's system has recently entered into operation in different control centers, as Incheon's approach control center, in Korea, or the control centers in Azerbaijan or Peru.
As regards Incheon, this center is renowned for providing services simultaneously to the two international airports of Seoul, managing one of the planet's most-congested air spaces.
In this context, Incheon International Airports Corporation (IIAC) chose Indra's system with the aim of improving its management capacity. Its goal is to reach 100 million passengers in the next decade to become one of the largest airports in the world. System implementation also demanded to deploy an arrival manager (AMAN) that provides service to both city international airports, Incheon and Gimpo.
The system is also complemented with the Indra iCWP air traffic control position, one of the market's most advanced, which incorporates the latest developments in graphic information display and uses a touchscreen and keyboard for interaction with the system.
Another two major control centers operating with Indra's automation system are Chengdu and Xian in China, which controls an area of 4.2 million km2, one of the largest in the world and which plays a key role for routes joining Europe and Asia.
The control centers in Poland and Bogota, in Colombia, also ordered traffic highly congested spaces with Indra's solution. In Latin America, Indra has installed this solution in the 30 leading control centers of the entire subcontinent, representing more than 70% of the region's centers.
Within the iTEC Alliance, Indra also reached a significant milestone in recent months after completing the entry into operation of the iCAS system at the DFS control center in Karlsruhe. Within this Alliance, the company is addressing the renewal of the continent's main control centers. Thus, in addition to the centers in Germany, it works on modernizing the air traffic control centers in Spain (ENAIRE), United Kingdom (NATS), Netherlands (LVNL), Poland (PANSA), Norway (AVINOR) and Lithuania (ORO NAVIGACIJA).
Indra's success in all of these projects is based on the company's strong customer-oriented culture. The company stands out for analyzing and addressing the specific needs of each navigation service provider.
Indra is currently the only company in the market with a portfolio of proprietary solutions (ATM-CNS) capable of gate-to-gate flight management. This thorough knowledge of the sector enables Indra to act as technology partner of its customers, accompanying them through advisory services to find the answer to their specific needs and consolidate their performance.
The company complements the deployment of its automation systems by offering specialized training for its clients' controllers and technical staff and accompanying them during system implementation, ensuring a safe transition without service interruptions. After commissioning, its User Support Center offers users support and facilitates updates of software or components. Indra's constant effort in research and development, with more than €1 billion invested in the last five years, ensures that its systems are the most advanced and capable of evolving throughout their entire lifecycle.
About Indra
Indra is one of the world's top technology and consulting and a technology partner for the key operations of its customers' businesses worldwide. It is a leading worldwide provider of proprietary solutions in niche areas in Transport and Defense Markets and the absolute leader in IT in Spain and Latin America. It offers a comprehensive range of proprietary solutions and cutting edge services with a high added value in technology based on a unique culture of reliability, flexibility and adaptability to the needs of its customers. Indra is a world leader in the development of end-to-end technology solutions in fields such as Defense and Security, Transport and Traffic, Energy and Industry, Telecommunications and Media, Financial Services, Electoral Processes, and Public Administrations and Healthcare. Minsait is Indra’s digital transformation business unit. In 2017 Indra posted a revenue of €3,011m, employed 40,000 professionals, and had a local presence in 46 countries plus sales operations in more than 140 countries.