Occupational wellbeing

Our labor welfare proposal

The safety and health of our professionals are our priority. For this reason, we promote a culture of prevention in all the activities we carry out, especially in those aspects that have a high incidence in our sector.


Prevention and continuous improvement

We train, raise awareness and involve our professionals in the health and safety conditions in their work, which is essential for prevention. We are committed to compliance in this area and seek continuous improvement.


Coverage where and when is needed

The Joint Prevention Service covers +31,000 professionals in Spain and allows all professionals to carry out activities safely, regardless of our geographical location or activity.


Guaranteeing the highest level of safety, health and well-being

Our strategic commitment to guarantee the highest possible level of safety, health and well-being for our professionals is reflected in our Occupational Risk Prevention Policy, Corporate Social Responsibility Policy and Code of Ethics and Legal Compliance.


In Spain, just 48 hours after the COVID-19 State of Alarm was declared, Indra had more than 90% of its workforce working remotely from home.

Occupational Health and Safety Objectives for are related to the Certification ISO 45001, emergency preparedness for healthcare emergencias, managing the risk of mental health disorders and completion levels of mandatory Health, Safety online learning courses.

Indra holds ISO 45001 certification for the health and safety management systems in its main companies in Spain and in the group’s subsidiaries in Italy, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, United Kingdom and Australia. At present 65% of Indra’s employees are covered by a certified health and safety management system.

In 2022, more than 90% of the employees in Spain completed the compulsory course on Occupational Health and Safety.

Awareness campaigns

We promote awareness campaigns with the aim of generating greater awareness of the importance of protecting our health, avoiding risks and developing healthy lifestyles.

These campaigns are complemented by annual medical check-ups with the possibility of flu vaccination. In addition, activities are programmed every year to raise awareness of the importance of protecting health and avoiding risks.

We collaborate with other institutions dedicated to health and prevention. We are members of AESPLA, the Spanish Association of Occupational Prevention Services, which aligns the common interests of large companies in prevention and serves as a forum for debate and learning. We are also members of PRL Innovación, an association that promotes a culture of innovation in the field of prevention.