
ICAO’s Aviation System Block Upgrades long-term vision brings together States and stakeholders from every corner of the aviation community to develop a global solution and to provide state- of-the-art 21th century air navigation. The common target is a fully-harmonized global system built on modern performance-based procedures and technologies, capable of sustaining increased capacity and improved environmental efficiency by binding safety improvements and air navigation modernization.

ASBU methodology is designed to be flexible and adaptive to each State, so that each can advance its air navigation capacities based on its specific operational requirements.


We consider the implementation of the ICAO Aviation System Block Improvements as a priority and urgent. For this reason, we have carried out a detailed analysis of the objectives of each block and aligned our software releases and the evolution of our products in the medium and long term to accommodate the proposed calendar for each block and even anticipate them (eg in our SWIM solution, already operational in several clients). Our AIM, MHS, SWIM, ATM and MET solutions already meet all the requirements of Block 0, are aligned to cover Block 1 and already mark the way to future Blocks 2 and 3.