

Servei Catalá del Tránsit (SCT) is the body that manages road traffic and safety in Catalonia.

When the project for installing speed detection devices along different points of the Catalonian road network was underway, the need to install two devices using renewable energies was detected.

Indra designed the wind-solar power generation system, adapted the CIRANO500 speed detection system for low-consumption operation, and performed the installation and implementation.

Proposed solution

Implementation of systems with renewable energy power supplies

After researching the power requirements, the best available options adaptable to the area's power generation were sought. It was decided that the preferable alternative was a wind-solar hybrid.

We adapted the electricity generation system to the design of the current CIRANO500, permitting its installation in areas where it was previously not possible due to difficulties in receiving electricity from the network.

The project, currently underway, allows for the installation of ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) devices wherever they are actually required, instead of as permitted by the electric power grid.

The engineering phase included adapting the radar for low energy consumption, designing the energy generation, regulation and accumulation devices and, in a subsequent phase, the implementation and start-up of the systems.


We make it possible to complete projects wherever they are needed

• The use of renewable energies enables the installation of ITS devices in places where it was previously impossible due to limitations of the power supply grid, where the cost for implementation exceeded acceptable limits and where the impact of the power grid on the surrounding areas made the project unfeasible

• Decreased dependency on the electric power supply grid

• Elimination of harmful gas emissions to the atmosphere derived from the consumption of power from the grid


  1. Promotion of technological innovation and boost for the use of renewable energies as a viable alternative to the electric power grid
  2. Renewable energies are a proven reality
  3. System sustainability