Description of the project
EPICURE aims to develop Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and Test services (OSAT) and support technology providers in Europe in the field of advanced packaging serving defence needs.
The project will analyse use cases requirements and constraints and combine these towards modular architectures based on future chiplets.
Five technology demonstrators will be designed, manufactured and tested to prequalify a “packaging toolbox” that will be built during the project.
Industrial partners
Indra's rol
Indra’s rol inside this project will be as the final user of the technology (OEM).
Its activities will focus on the work packages 3 (WP3) and 7 (WP7).
Inside WP3, Indra will work in the requirements’ capture of the SiP (System In Package) for Electronic Warfare and Radar applications. Furthermore, Indra will collaborate with the chiplets architecture definition.
In WP7 Indra will participate in the design and test of three different technological demonstrators:
- High power radiofrequency (RF) circuit.
- Digital Transceiver.
- Analog wideband RF frontend including the analog to digital conversion (ADC).
Universities and technology centers
Technologies employed
This project includes the following works:
- Analysis of the technology state of the art.
- Advanced package requirements capture for communications, radar and electronic warfare systems.
- Define the different technological bricks (2.5D silicon interposer, 3D SiP, RDL…) which will be used by demostrators.
- Design and verification of an IP (Intellectual Property) to implement the UCIe communication standard used to transfer data between chiplets.
- Create design rules and flow (PDK) for the design of advanced packages
- Design, manufacture and validation of 5 different technological demostrators.
More information
This Project, with file number 101121426, has been financed by the European Commission within the call for the 2022 European Defense Funds under the topic EDF-2022-RA-MATCOMP-PACOMP: Packaging technologies for critical defence components.
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