R&D&i projects result of a clear vision, ongoing effort and global combination of talent. Our "innodiversity": ability to respond to clients' diversity, existing technologies and geographical markets entails dominating a great amount of technologies that evolve at great speed and that are applied across many sectors.

This search tool offers a broad sample of our results.

(*) Select this filter to retrieve projects that are aligned with one of the ONU Sustainable Development Goals.

Project Financed by Section
LUMINICA– Sistema de proyección 3D para entornos audiovisuales de gran formato MINETUR - Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism Security
eACCESSPLUS Industry Security
EULER- EUropean software defined radio for wireLEss in Joint security opeRations Security Defense
TOyRA | Objective Theraphy and Audiovisual Rehabilitation IMADE - Instituto Madrileño de Desarrollo Healthcare Security
SITIO | Semantic Business Processes based on Software|as|a|Service and Cloud Computing MINETUR - Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism MINECO - Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Security
SIMAULA- Tomorrow’s Teachers training Public Administration Security
SESAME- Securing the European Electricity Supply Against Malicious and accidental Threats Energía Security
SeniorChannel- Example of virtual set created through a virtual study, developed and adapted by Brainstorm for SeniorChannel MINETUR - Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism Security
SEGURAME | Sistemas para erradicar y gestionar de forma unitaria el riesgo de agresión a las mujeres en España MINETUR - Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism Public Administration Security
SECUREID- Creación de un entorno seguro de servicios y aplicaciones de e|admiistración que permita el acceso de usuarios a través de la tarjeta de identificación electrónica CDTI - Spanish Centre for Industrial Technological Development Public Administration Security